
Happy Valentines Day

Mound Bayou logo art

 Valentines commonly show images of Cupid, an angel symbol of love. There are also images of hearts, the seat of emotion. We here in the City of 

Mound Bayou had many angel representations during the struggles of the flood during a global pandemic and an outpouring of love helped us 

celebrate the Christmas holiday season in a new and special way. 

For Valentine’s Day 2022, we want to honor and show our appreciation for those citizens and organizations that showed us love like angels of love. 

We find our Mound Bayou angels to be very powerful symbols and we find great comfort in knowing they are close at all times. I want to remind the 

City of Mound Bayou that with the City of Mound Bayou Angels, we are surrounded by a heavenly presence that has been a great source of comfort and strength. The City of Mound Bayou citizens and organizations helped 

us face situations that were thrown our way. My mother gave me an angel that I treasure and daily it helps to strengthen my resolve. In her memory, 

I’d like to express my appreciation to the individual citizens and groups by recognizing you as City of Mound Bayou Angels and wish each and 

every one of you a Happy Valentine’s Day. 

In Appreciation with Love, 

Leighton Aldridge, Mayor 
