
Bolivar Countians Making an Impact

by Jack Criss The Bolivar Bullet The celebration of Black History Month began as “Negro History Week,” which was created in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson, a noted African-American historian, scholar, educator and publisher of the time. It became a month-long celebration in 1976 with the month of February chosen to coincide with the birthdays […]

Christian Leadership School

Several events scheduled for next week in Mound Bayou Dean/State Director Ethel J. Hill and Deans DeVoyce C. Morris and Monica Micou have announced the Bolivar County Baptist Association and the General Missionary Baptist Bolivar County Congress of Christian Education will host a Combined Congress beginning February 19 at 3:00 p.m. at the First Baptist […]

Water Freeze Alert

Starting tonight, Wednesday November 16, 2022, we recommend that you let your faucets drip because of the increasingly cold weather. Pipes freeze when water is not moving. Allowing the pipes to drip, not run, will help prevent frozen pipes. We would recommend doing this for indoor and outdoor faucets.

Clean Drinking Water Now a Permanent Reality for One Small Delta Town

Clean drinking water is something that everyone should be able to access. For many small Delta cities, this is not the reality. With aging pumps and lines, water boils can happen more and more often, and clean drinking water becomes harder to access. The health issues that occur because of unclean drinking water are numerous. […]

Restoration of Historic Bank

Mound Bayou is raising funds By Jack Criss, The Bolivar Bullet The Mississippi Heritage Trust, in partnership with the City of Mound Bayou, is raising funds to restore the Mound Bayou Bank to become a visitor’s center and community archives. Approximately $594,000 in funding has been secured toward the goal of $1,000,000. The bank still stands […]

Mound Bayou Wastewater System

Firm to commence work on project soon By Jack Criss The Bolivar Bullet Cook Coggins Engineers, Inc.,  a 75-year old company based in Tupelo, will soon be installing a new aerator in Mound Bayou’s wastewater system as part of the completion of a project that began in 2019. Cade Scroggins, Engineer Intern with Cook Coggins […]